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is performed, 

Gesture is used as Meaning:

The getting up,

The sitting down,

The moving of the hands

All serve to convey the

Face of the moment

So that

No two ceremonies are alike. 

Exploring the deepest Aspects of reality.

The different kinds of Teas served are Symbols used to

Tease out

Discussions And Meditations on the

Art of Tea drinking. 

NEOILLUSION TEAISM Ceremony begins with the choice of the day.

The choice comes together through the selective sensibilities from the understanding of those who will be coming to the ceremony, to the sensible distillation of the vibratory sensation of the day. 


This is what informs

the choices of the ceremony,


Tea Ware and Table Arrangement, and the Tea itself.

All are selected in careful reflection. Of course,

These are all traditional elements of the Tea Ceremony, 

but in


they are deepened into the NOWNESS sensibilities.


The NOWNESS that has everything to do with the moment. 

So, for instance, the subject matter which comes to play through the gestural performance of the Tea Master to the Tea Participants who bring with them their sensible components are teased out into a full blown meditation - the meditation of our lives, the important things that our souls cause us to remember and pay attention to.


Sometimes, the ceremony stops right there; other times, other components are added like Tea Dance, modeled after the style of Japanese Noh Theater with the sensibility of Chinese Opera to inform a particular idea that is decided beforehand. This is performed as an installation of symbols to bring about a certain kind of awareness of the moment in the idea of the choice given. 


So, NEOILLUSION TEAISM reveals and covers at the same time:

It reveals the deeper sensibilities in the tradition of Tea, and covers this same sensibility of the tradition by opening it up to a new breathing space, a new incoming of infusion of Tea-ness, The Tea that is the Tea of our lives - NEOILLUSION TEAISM. 

The ceremony is created according to the need;

It could be a one on one session,

Or two to a few people,

or a group of several.

The ideas that come into play

in these performances
Include the nature of the participants

And their sensibilities.

This can include but is not limited to

The selection of Rare Teas,

Tasting rounds,

Selected topic or poetry discussions

And musical performances.


is the Effort and Skill of Unity,

It is the celebration of our outer

and inner being.

Prepared in an artistic form and combining the cultures of

East and West.

NEOILLUSION TEAISM Ceremony brings the service of the moment that contains both Traditional aspects and the Modernity of the moment,

while delivering the essence of Beauty and Majesty.

Every ceremony is a ONE OF A KIND experience, Curated with

Organic Handcrafted

Rare High Teas,

Live Music, Delights, Poetry, Discussions, Flower Arrangements,

Ceramic Art, Incense, Purification, and more.

It includes Tea Education, Art, Culture, History, Philosophy,

Fashion, Design and Lifestyle.


It is a Meditative,




Zen Experience.

The aim of NEOILLUSION TEAISM Ceremony

is to bring relaxation of mind and spirit.

Creating a space for getting in touch

with one's being by

bringing the Ritual of Tea Drinking

to the next level of LUXURY;

The luxury of being alive

As a 21st Century Citizen.


We do this by combining new styles with old tradition,

letting Tea itself be the symbol

Representing our gathering.

A Gathering of Lovers steeping together

In the Art of Tea Drinking

And Conversation.


Is the new way to spend time with yourself

And your loved ones,

Making new friends at same time. 







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